The Games in Learning project focuses on how game play, game study, game development and game innovation can be used to improve student learning outcomes.
The project includes workshops, practicums, a conference and research and development.
Purposefully selected games blended with carefully constructed learning experiences can be used to improve student learning outcomes.
They can improve student learning because they:
The project includes workshops, practicums, a conference and research and development.
Why games in learning?
Digital games already play an important role in many students' lives. In the 2006 financial year, Australians spent more than $1 billion on digital game hardware and software.Purposefully selected games blended with carefully constructed learning experiences can be used to improve student learning outcomes.
They can improve student learning because they:
- open up opportunities that would be otherwise unavailable or too costly or too dangerous to make available to students
- require students to exhibit behaviours such as self-monitoring, pattern recognition, problem recognition and problem solving at a deep level, principled decision-making, qualitative thinking and superior short-term and long-term memory
- engage students.
- challenging, complex and scaffolded
- immersive - they provide an interactive virtual play environment
- goal-oriented (eg. Make the world a better place, be a hero)
- fast-paced
- able to offer immediate feedback
- story-based
- customisable - students can make it their own
- a way to connect with people.
- build students' story telling skills
- encourage cooperative learning
- engage students in problem solving and higher order thinking
- encourage planning and reflection
- be a multi-disciplinary exercise - developing a good game can involve composing music, script writing, story development, physics, visual arts, spatial arts and much, much more
- introduce students to programming (Programming is a key skill necessary for the 21st century. To prepare students for 21st century lives, we must extend their programming abilities)
- encourage students to consider a career in the games development industry (The Australian games development industry is growing at a fast rate. It is amounting to revenues of $110 million. 37 per cent of Australia's digital games industry permanent employees are based in Queensland.)
Learning intentions
The program seeks to:- develop, guide and support networks of teachers around a number of games in learning focus areas
- identify future (through research and best-practice) focus areas for digital game-based learning.
Program structure
Program elements include:- three-day games in learning practicums
- games in learning email list
- workshops
- games in learning conference
- games in learning reference group
- games in learning web community.
- research and development into virtual worlds.
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