Monday 13 January 2014

Tentang Pelajaran TIK

Solusi untuk guru mata pelajaran (mapel) Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIK) yang keberadaannya dihapuskan pada Kurikulum 2013 mulai mendapatkan titik terang.

Direktur Pembinaan SMA Ditjen Pendidikan Menengah, Haris Iskandar mengatakan, meski mapel TIK dihapus, namun eks guru TIK tidak akan menganggur.

Menurut Haris, para guru tersebut tetap akan memiliki peran yang penting di sekolahnya masing-masing. Rencananya, kata dia, mereka bisa membantu guru lain dalam mempersiapkan materi ajar.

“Jadi, guru TIK tetap akan berperan penting dalam Kurikulum 2013. Mereka bisa dimasukkan dalam Pusat Teknologi Pendidikan yang ada di sekolah untuk membantu guru dalam mempersiapkan materi ajar,” kata Haris, Sabtu (16/3), saat berada di kampus Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Solo, Jawa Tengah.

Haris Iskandar hadir di kampus FKIP UNS untuk mewakili Wakil Mendikbud, Musliar Kasim yang berhalangan hadir sebagai pembicara dalam seminar Pemetaan dan Pengembangan Mutu Pendidikan Menyongsong Pemberlakuan Kurikulum 2013.

Dalam seminar itu, Haris menilai, saat ini belum seluruh guru mampu menyiapkan materi ajar dengan memanfaatkan multimedia.

Padahal, imbuhnya, Kurikulum 2013 adalah kurikulum teknologi yang dalam pelaksanaannya banyak mengandalkan kerja sama tim.

Karena itu, lanjutnya, Kemdikbud akan menempatkan guru TIK dalam sebuah wadah baru yang nanti akan diberi nama Pusat Teknologi Pendidikan untuk membantu para guru mempersiapkan materi ajar secara multimedia.

Meski demikian, Haris mengakui masih ada persoalan yang terkait dengan sertifikasi guru TIK. Yakni, menemukan jalan keluar bagaimana caranya agar guru TIK yang sudah alih tugas itu tetap memperoleh tunjangan sertifikasi.

“Persoalannya, bagaimana agar mereka tetap mendapatkan tunjangan sertifikasi, sekarang tengah dipikirkan,” tandasnya.

Untuk diketahui, penghapusan mapel TIK pada Kurikulum 2013 telah membuat banyak guru TIK resah.

Selama ini, mereka belum memperoleh kejelasan dari Kemdikbud mengenai tugas baru yang akan diembannya, termasuk pula mempertanyakan masalah tunjangan sertifikasi bagi mereka yang telah menerimanya.

Thursday 9 January 2014

Bagaimana Cara Belajar Yang Baik ?

Cara Belajar yang Baik. Bulan-bulan ini merupakan bulan mendekati ujian semester bagi siswa SMP maupun SMA. Tentunya orang tua lebih memperhatikan dan menerapkan cara belajar yang  baik bagi anaknya agar mendapat hasil belajar yang memuaskan. Para guru pun juga senantiasa menghimbau kepada siswa-siswanya untuk lebih meningkatkan belajarnya agar siswa bisa mengerjakan ujian semester dengan baik. Tentunya dengan memberikan tips cara belajar yang baik.

Berangkat dari cara belajar yang baik, saya mencari beberapa tips cara belajar yang baik di beberapa forum yang memberikan berbagai tips cara belajar untuk anak.

Berikut Cara Belajar Yang Baik

Untuk bisa pandai dan pintar pastinya harus giat dan tekun belajar. Bagaimana cara belajar yang baik efektif dan tepat untuk murid/siswa. Kapan waktu yang tepat agar hasilnya juga maksimal.

Setiap orang bisa menentukan sendiri kapan waktu yang paling tepat untuk belajar. Apakah memilih pagi, sore atau mala hari. Semua sesuai dengan kondisi yang ada. Sebaiknya cara belajar yang baik di lakukan setiap hari, walaupun dengan waktu yang tidak lama. Misalnya 1 atau 2 jam setiap hari.

Banyak sekali murid-murid sekolah saat ini belajar ngoyo hanya jika ada ulangan atau ujian. Waktu yang paling tepat untuk belajar bisa di sesuaikan dengan mood dan toleransi tubuh kita. Tidak harus setiap malam. Kalau kita jam 8 atau jam 9 malam sudah merasa mengantuk bisa memilih waktu sore atau sehabis maghrib.
Jadi waktu belajar seseorang memang tidak bisa sama. Yang penting jangan terlalu memaksakan atau memporsir balajar hingga larut malam karena biasanya hasilnya juga tidak akan bisa maksimal.

Berikut Ini Tips Dan Trik Cara Belajar Yang Baik Untuk Menghadapi Ujian

1. Belajar Kelompok
Bosan belajar sendirian? Coba saja belajar secara kelompok bareng teman. Belajar kelompok merupakan salah satu belajar yang baik dan efektif. Dengan belajar kelompok kegiatan belajar akan menjadi sangat menyenangkan karena ada temannya. Belajar secara kelompok sebaiknya mengajak teman yang pandai dan rajin belajar agar bisa termotivasi dan ketularan pintar.

2. Coba Rajin Membuat Catatan Atau Intisari Dari Pelajaran
Setiap bab pelajaran selalu ada bagian-bagian yang penting. Nah bagian yang penting ini sebaiknya dibuat catatan di buku tersendiri. Cara belajar yang baik dengan merangkum bahan atau materi pelajaran juga sangat berguna saat menghadapi ujian.

3. Selalau Disiplin Dan Tekun Dalam Belajar
Yang penting di sini adalah kualitas belajarnya. Walaupun hanya 1-2 jam sehari tapi kalau di lakukan setiap hari pasti akan lebih baik dari pada belajar dalam waktu yang sangat lama pada waktu tertentu saja. Misalnya hanya belajar kalau ada ulangan atau ujian saja.

4. Bertanya Kalau Belum Paham
Biasanya saat guru selesai membahas satu mata pelajaran akan bertanya pada murid muridnya. Apakah sudah jelas? Jangan ragu dan takut untuk bertanya kalau memang kurang paham atau kurang mengerti.

5. Hindari Sikap Tidak Jujur
Sekarang ini banyak siswa membuat catatan untuk mencontek saat ada ulangan atau ujian. Dengan belajar dengan jadwal yang teratur seorang murid akan selalu siap jika ada ulangan dadakan dan tidak perlu mencontek. Bagaimana dengan tips cara belajar yang baik diatas mungkin masih belum bisa meningkatkan hasil belajar anda?

Tips Cara Belajar yang Baik

1. Ciptakan suasana yang kondusif
Dalam belajar, kamu harus menciptakan suasana yang kondusif, nyaman dan tenang untuk belajar. Cara ini merupakan salah satu cara belajar yang baik karena bagaimanapun jika ingin materi yang kamu pelajari itu bener-bener masuk ke otakmu, kamu harus tenang dan dalam keadaan yang nyaman. Sehingga nggak mengganggu konsentrasi. Belajar di luar ruangan mungkin adalah pilihan yang cukup baik, karena selain lebih fresh, kita juga bisa lebih tenang dan nggak penat dalam belajar.

2. Lihat garis besarnya dahulu
Tips cara belajar yang baik dengan melihat garis besar materi. Jika membaca bahan pelajaran yang baru, jangan langsung menceburkan diri kedalamnya. Kamu bisa lebih meningkatkan pemahaman bila melihat sepintas garis besarnya. Lihatlah semua subjudul, keterangan gambar dan ringkasan yang ada. Jik membaca bacaan yang cukup panjang, maka bacalah dahulu kalimat pertama dari setiap paragrafnya.

3. Buatlah catatan intisari dari bahan pelajaran
Tips cara belajar dengan teknik meringkas intisari dari pelajaran. Kalau kamu meringkas materi dari setiap bahan pelajaran ke dalam sebuah catatan kecil, maka akan sangat membantumu mengingat bahan pelajaran itu. Pada saat kamu menulisnya, kamu pasti membaca materinya lagi, bener kan? Itu akan membuatmu cepat hafal materinya. Sebaiknya catatan itu ditulis kedalam buku kecil atau kertas yang bisa dibawa kemana-mana, sehingga bisa dibaca kapan dan dimanapun kamu berada. Tips Cara belajar yang baik bukan?

4. Berlatihlah tehnik kemampuan mengingat
Cara Belajar Yang Baik dengan teknik kemampuan mengingat. Agar lebih mudah kamu ingat sebaiknya materi yang akan kamu hafal itu diubah menjadi sebuah singkatan atau kata kunci (Mnemonics) dengan formulasi yang mudah diingat-ingat. Seperti MeJiKuHiBiNiU untuk singkatan-singkatan dari warna pelangi, yaitu Merah, Jingga, Kuning, Hijau, Biru, Nila dan Ungu. Walaupun kamu jika menghafal langsung dalam 1 minggu sudah lupa, dengan menggunakan mnemonics seperti ini kamu bisa ingat sampai puluhan tahun lamanya.

5. Belajarlah dengan tekun dan rutin.
Tips cara belajar yang baik dan paling ampuh adalah dengan tekun dan rutin. Belajar tepat waktu dan serius juga sangat berpengaruh dalam peningkatan prestasi belajar, apabila kamu jarang belajar maupun  hanya belajar jika akan ada ulangan pasti prestasinya gak akan maksimal. Jadi belajarlah dengan tekun dan rutin selagi ada waktu untuk belajar. Juga jangan belajar dengan tergesa-gesa pada hari terakhir sebelum ulangan, cara belajar yang baik seperti itu hasilnya juga nggak akan maksimal.

Demikian beberapa tips cara belajar yang baik efektif dan efisien untuk anda coba, semoga sukses!!

Saturday 11 May 2013

Top Ten Free Online Blogging Platforms

A blog is a great way to express your thoughts, create a web presence for your company and provide content to Internet users. If you’re planning to create a blog, but don’t wish to get into the hassles of hosting, developing and deploying it yourself, consider creating a blog at any of the free blogging platforms mentioned below. Such services offer a plethora of features and generally come with both free as well as paid plans.
Let’s look at the top 10 most popular online blog-publishing services.

1. is perhaps the most feature-rich blogging service out there. It uses the popular open source web software WordPress, and offers many features in its free version — traffic stats, anti-spam filters, SEO, gorgeous themes and more.

If you choose to use, you’ll be in good company, as many popular blogs — including CNN’s Political Ticker, People Magazine’s Style Watch and Flickr — are on this platform.
If you need more than what the free version offers, you can opt for their premium features that include custom domains, upgraded web hosting resources and more. Whether you’re an expert blogger or a beginner, this ultimate blogging platform is a safe bet.

2. is another popular WordPress-powered blogging platform. Just like other services, it has its own share of pros and cons. For a start, it offers many beautiful premium themes in its free accounts, as well as advanced plugins that one can expect only on a self-hosted blog. However, on the downside, the free service displays more ads as compared to (But you can opt for paid upgrades to remove the advertisements.) The free storage space offered on is 2GB in the basic plan, which is less compared to 3GB that gives its users.

3. Blogger


Google Blogger is a well-known blogging service that offers many features to its users. For example, Blogger comes with a Template Designer user interface that lets you tweak your blog’s appearance as much as you want. (However, the templates provided are, in my opinion, no match compared to WordPress themes.)

When it comes to ease of use, most beginners prefer Blogger as it offers a no-nonsense interface for administering your blog and top-notch integration with their Google account. Another great thing about Blogger is that it offers certain great features for free that you normally need to pay for in other blog-publishing services,  most noteworthy being the ability to set up custom domains without paying a cent.

4. TypePad Micro

TypePad Micro

TypePad Micro is another free blog-publishing service. The interface is easy to use, and you can import/export content from many other blogging platforms. However, in terms of add-ons and themes offered, TypePad Micro won’t satisfy even the most basic blogger. The cheapest paid plan begins at $8.95 per month and comes with additional themes, custom domain mapping, as well as technical support.

In an age where almost all blogging services are offering numerous features in their free versions, TypePad Micro seems to be lagging behind.

5. Jux


Jux is an innovative service that lets you easily share content online. Conventionally speaking, it’s not a blogging service like the ones previously mentioned, however, it has a lot of the same functionalities. Rather, Jux lets you create your own microblogging site for sharing your content. By default, Jux templates don’t have the native sidebars and other widgets that are common to most blogs. Instead, Jux provides a clean (and beautiful) approach to blogging. Simply create an account, and then start sharing your content.

While Jux does seem amazing and has excellent support for mobile devices, it may not be everyone’s cup of tea. For instance, if you’re planning to create a more conventional blog, opting for WordPress might be a better option. On the other hand, if you’re leaning more towards visual content, such as photos and artwork, Jux may just amaze you with its features.

6. Tumblr


Tumblr is a popular and feature-packed microblogging platform. It comes with many outstanding and interesting features such as audio blogging (for sharing your music, for example), free custom domains, hundreds of amazing blogging themes and more. Furthermore, you can sync your Tumblr account with Facebook and/or Twitter so that you can update your social media feeds in a single location. Yet another awesome feature is the ability to create community-powered group blogs. Tumblr also offers support for many third-party apps such as Google Analytics and Feedburner.

7. Posterous Spaces

Posterous Spaces

Posterous Spaces is an excellent online blog-publishing service that is similar to Tumblr.
Posterous Spaces has excellent privacy and viewing features so that you can easily control who can see what on your Posterous Spaces site. It’s designed to allow its users to post content quickly and as hassle-free as possible, so it has loads of features included to facilitate this, such as free mobile apps for iOS and Android smartphones so you can update your blog on the go and a simple, well-designed user interface. Using Posterous Spaces means you’ll be in good company; popular tech startups like MailChimp, TweetDeck and Airbnb leverage Posterous as their company blog.

8. Blogetery


Blogetery is a WordPress-powered online blogging service that offers a modest set of features. Free accounts get nearly 140 themes, custom domain mapping and roughly 40 plugins to choose from.
On Blogetery, ads are displayed on all free blogs, but if you wish to upgrade, you can opt for the paid plan that will cost you $3.50 per month and will give you additional themes, plugins, email support, 5GB of additional storage space, the ability to remove ads, etc.

9. Weebly


Weebly offers more than just blogging — it’s a fully featured website builder! Weebly’s blog manager features a drag-and-drop interface, support for image galleries, slideshows, video/audio, maps, etc. Additionally, you can opt for their Designer Platform that lets you build websites for your client, thereby effectively using Weebly as a content management system.

10. LiveJournal


LiveJournal (often abbreviated as LJ) offers blogging with a touch of social networking to it. You can participate in polls, create networks and interact with other LJ users alongside your blog.
With that said, the features, compared to other similar blogging services, are nothing to brag about. Their collection of template is decent, and plugins/extensions are pretty basic in nature.

Monday 22 April 2013

How To Creating a professional blog with WordPress

Wordpress Plugins 
I am with the notion that every professional person should have a blog where they can share their professional knowledge with the world and earn some extra bucks too. Not only professionals actually, these days everyone is starting a blog. From school students to leading business men, everyone is building their online identity with blogging to share their skills and meet other people having the same interests.

However, doing anything consumes time and it gets even more difficult when you need to do it from scratch, without any prior knowledge.
Here in this article you will learn how you can build a professional looking WordPress blog without having any technical knowledge.

“Blogging with WordPress is as easy as writing a diary.”
Well, you can start a WordPress blog without buying a Top Level Domain like for example “” instead you can get a free sub-domain from WordPress like “”. But, here we are talking about creating a professional blog and having a blog with on a sub-domain doesn’t look professional.

How to buy a Domain Name?

Buying a domain is the trickiest part as you need to be simple and technical at the same time.
You can get a domain name for less than 20 USD, but if you do enough research on Google then you can get a domain for as low as 3 USD.

Step 1 : Picking a Domain Name
Suppose you are a singer and your name is “Harry Potter”.
You should get a domain like “” or “” and if you wish to be more name specific then go with “” simply.
Well, domain name doesn’t really matter much after your blog gets established. Just avoid choosing a domain that is lengthy, misspelled or is difficult to remember. Also, don’t use hyphens while choosing a domain.

I prefer having a “.com” domain and if not that then “.net” is nowhere less. If you run a free organisation or a trust, choose .org domai.
Note: Buying a domain name which refers to another company’s name can lead to legal issues. Also, check whether your Company Name is available in all Social Networks (Vanity URL)

Step 2: Set up WordPress on your Domain
In order to set up WordPress on your domain you have two options.
1. Buy Hosting at your favorite hosting service provider. I recommend you to go for Hostgator or BlueHost.
2. Use

Buying Hosting

Buying hosting for blogging as a total newbie is not smart. Most probably you’ll not get a good hosting experience with free or cheap hosting providers because;
1. Your WordPress Blog will work slower on their low quality.
2. Your WordPress Blog won’t get into Google and other search engines.
3. Hosting Provider will ban your WordPress Blog if your posts fetch a lot of traffic.
Using for Hosting your Blog. You can register an account on for free and use it to set-up a WordPress blog on your domain.

Step 3: Get a Professional looking Theme for your WordPress Blog
Having a professional looking theme installed on your WordPress Blog is must. A good looking website always convinces the visitor to stay on the website.

However, getting a good looking WordPress theme is not that easy. You need to use a theme that doesn’t slow down your blog and is SEO friendly and above all is eye-catching. You get more than 210 themes to use on your blog but you won’t be able to upload custom themes which are a great drawback. Uploading and editing themes is only supported on self-hosted WordPress blogs.

Step 4: Start Posting
Now when you have your blog ready for blogging you can start updating it with relevant information.
You can also join various social networking sites to get maximum exposure and find more people with common interests.

Step 5: Installing Plug-ins
The best thing about WordPress is that it allows you to customize the blog in many ways one of which is using plug-ins. Having necessary plug-ins installed on your WordPress Blog is essential in order to keep your Blog healthy.

Step 6: Social Sharing
There are several social sharing plug-ins available. For example there is a plug-in called “Digg Digg”. It is a Plug-in that adds a social sharing bar on your blog. It makes the sharing of your blog easy and it can gain you good traffic from social networking sites. There are several other social Plug-ins available out there, you just need to get them. I at (ExceptNothing) use TF Social Share.

Step 7: SEO Plug-ins
Wordpress SEO
Keeping your Blog Search Engine Optimized is as essential as filling your vehicle with fuel.
There are several Plug-ins available for free and are very simple to use. I prefer using Yoast Plug-in as it is easy and provides all mandatory features required. You can create an XML sitemap of your site; customize categories, pages, posts etc. according to your needs. For On-Page SEO Plug-ins, you can go for EasyWPSEO or SEOPressor. Both are great choice 

Step 8: Cache Plug-ins
Cache Plugins
Cache plug-ins can make your website faster. They create static HTML files from you dynamic blog. When the HTML file is created the web server will serve that file to visitors instead of those PHP scripts that are comparatively heavier. I prefer using WP Super Cache. It’s simple and dynamic and is simple to use at the same time.

Step 9: Logo
A blog or company’s logo is very important. It determines the Brand Identity. So, if you are good at Designing Logos, you can proceed designing it, or hire a good graphic designer and create a logo for your site. Stuck with creating a logo? Read this: Creating a Logo that will last.

Saturday 6 April 2013

Install Ginger to Avoid Spelling Mistake For Chrome Users

Hi friends. I’m going to share a great free spelling and grammar checking extension for Chrome users. It’s from Ginger.

When there is a grammar topic you don’t fully master, you might repeat the same mistakes over and over, both in writing and speaking. Ginger is the only grammar tool that helps you learn from your own mistakes. If you’re a native English speaker you may not make grammar mistakes. But typographical errors are unavoidable. So for Chrome users I am sharing a great extension. Ginger is providing one of the world’s best spelling and grammar checker for Chrome users.


Install the extension from the below link for free and forget about spelling and grammar mistakes. Now you are only one step away from avoiding grammar and spelling mistakes while typing. Ginger shows a green dotted line below texts with errors. You can right click on the text underlined to correct spelling or grammar mistakes. Ginger shows suggestions so brilliantly.

I find this Chrome extension from Ginger, the world’s #1 contextual grammar and spell checker, very useful. It helps users to avoid spelling and grammar mistakes within Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo! Mail, Google+, blogging platforms (such as WordPress, Blogspot, LiveJournal) and any other applications using Rich Text Input.

Link : Ginger Spell and Grammar Checker for Chrome

Wednesday 20 March 2013

How to Create Animated Gif Using Camtasia Studio


Have you ever seen moving pictures online and wondered how they are made? Heres how to make a basic GIF picture with Camtasia Studio.
What is Camtasia Studio?
Camtasia Studio is an advanced screen video recorder from TechSmith® which has edit, produce, and many more options to enhance your video, all in one program. One of the producing options in this program is GIF for a recorded video, which we will be learning about.
How to start
Well first of all, download Camtasia Studio 7.0. There is a 30-day trial version that you can use but also i give out the full version registration code, so download one of these programs and install it on your PC. After you open Camtasia Studio, getting to know your interface would be helpful in the long road, but it’s not necessary.
Recording your video
Notice when you first open the program, a window pops up showing 4 options, one being “Record the Screen.” I have illustrated it here:


Or you can click on “Record the Screen” in the task list of the interface.

The next step is self-explanatory, you choose the area you want to record or you choose the whole screen, depends on what you want, then start recording after the 3-second countdown. Stop by pushing F10 or the “Stop” button

Producing it into a GIF animation
After you finish recording your video, a preview appears and in the corner there are 3 options:
Save and Edit, Delete, and Produce.


Click on Produce, save your video, and choose “Custom Production Settings” from the drop-down list and click “Next”.


Then comes the Output format screen, which has lots of formats, GIF being one of them, choose it:


Then click Next on all the following screens, as they are not necessary. You may edit some forms for modified animations but I won’t go there. (On the last form is the name of the video so you should change that.) After clicking Finish on the last screen, it will start converting.

Now this will take some time depending on the length of the video (40 seconds is more than enough). Lagging occurs when the video exceeds 35-40 seconds.And you are done! Your video is now gonna play in picture format, so you can send it to your cell-phone, upload it to your website in the format of a picture!


Thursday 7 March 2013

Windows Live Programs

Windows Live is the best online service for email and messenger. This is software you need to download and install. You shall get a lot of services from windows live. It is a free service created by Microsoft. But there are many features that you will need to pay for like the Windows Live Call, which is something like Skype.

Windows Live Mail is the most important application. We can compare it to Outlook Express. It features email, contacts and calendar services. I really like this program. It is better than any other mail client, with a nice user interface. We can use Gmail, Hotmail and any other email services which supports POP and IMAP like the Yahoo mail.

Windows Live Hotmail is the email service that can be used with any Windows Live Service. You only need to create one Hotmail account and use it anywhere on Microsoft website.

Windows Live Messenger is the messenger which has a lot of features. But it lacks the chat room service like that in Yahoo Messenger. But I really am against chat rooms. You won't find one nice person there. Always there will be more than one person typing and doing crazy things.
Windows Live Call works as a part of Make PC-to-PC voice / video calls to your Messenger contacts.

Windows Live Movie Maker is an application to easily create your own movies by using pictures, music, and videos you have. The software is erally good.

There are a lot of other services too, which are being developed as a part. Windows Live Photo Gallery helps you share pictures. Skydrive offers free file sharing up to 5 GB and the size is being increased.

Windows Live Onecare is an anti virus. But it is not free. I have been using a version of this antivirus from Microsoft and have never been in trouble with a virus. The main feature of this antivirus is that it won’t report that a file is a virus un-necessarily. Almost all other anti viruses (excluding McAfee) finds many viruses that are actually not viruses. Live OneCare Family safety is a feature that can be installed to create custom settings for different users on your computer so that they can be protected against illegal and unnecessary content from the internet, including websites and people in the internet.

For Windows Live Register here or download here